This website is owned and operated by UrbanNous.
It is constructed, updated and maintained voluntarily.
If you have any questions about this website or these Terms of Use please initially contact us at: urbannous[at]

In the absence of funding, to ease compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, tracking code has been removed from all current pages.
Some of the older pages, linked without our knowledge from other sites, may retain tracking code.
Should this become evident, the code will be removed.
Should tracking code become evident on current pages, this too will be removed.
Server side tracking software will not be accessed. Server side logs have been deleted.
A single ‘session cookie’ is delivered. Depending on your browser and browser settings, this should expire once the browser is closed.
YouTube embedded content has been set to ‘nocookie’. It is not yet fully clear if this does in fact block the use of cookies.
Links to YouTube and iTunes content may deliver cookies from those sites.
Should you wish to ensure that cookies are deleted from your browser this is a helpful link:

Ownership of Rights
Unless stated to the contrary, UrbanNous is the owner of all Intellectual Property Rights in relation to the service and the website.
All rights, including without limitation copyright, database rights, domain names and trademarks, are either owned by us or licensed to us by
third parties.
Any use of this website, its content, or any media made available via it whether by copying, storing or re-utilising in whole or in part other than for your own personal non-commercial use is prohibited without our express written permission.
You may not modify, amend, edit or otherwise change the content or media.

You may not frame or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo or other proprietary information (including images, text, page
layout or form) on our website without our express consent. You may also not use any meta tags or any other hidden text which utilises our
trademarks, name and brands without our consent

You may not systematically extract and/or re-utilise parts of the content of the website without our express written consent.
In particular, you may not utilise any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools to extract (whether once or many times) for re-utilisation of any parts of this website without our express written consent.

You may not disassemble, reverse engineer, decompile, amend, modify, incorporate or otherwise change the content or media except as
expressly permitted by UrbanNous.

You may not create any hyperlinks to our website without the expected accreditation and reference made to us.

You must not use our website in any way which causes or is likely to cause our website or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way.
You also agree that you are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent by you or from your computer to us and you must use the website for lawful purposes only.
In particular, you must not use the website or the content for any of the following:
1: for fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offence or other unlawful activity.
2: to send, use or reuse any material that is illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing; or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or objectionable; or which consists of or contains software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or spam or to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety

We do not guarantee that the material and media on our website is accurate or complete and the views expressed by contributors are not
necessarily our views. We reserve the right at any time to amend, modify or take down any material and media. The use of the website and
media is entirely at your own risk.

You hereby agree to indemnify or compensate UrbanNous in full for any loss, harm, damages or costs which arises as a result of the breach of
these Terms by you, or those whom you permit to use the service.

While every endeavour is used to secure the website and the services, given the nature of the service and the internet generally, UrbanNous
cannot warrant that the Service and the Website will be free from intrusion nor that it will it be totally secure.

UrbanNous does not provide any warranties in respect of the accuracy, operation or usefulness of the service and the website nor does it warrant
that its operation will be uninterrupted or error free.
UrbanNous does not and cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information provided to it by third parties or otherwise, nor that it is current or up to date. You specifically agree that you will rely on the service for general information purposes only and, in particular, shall not use the service for providing any services to third parties.
Use of the service other than for general information purposes shall be at your sole risk and responsibility and you hereby agree to indemnify UrbanNous in full for any claims, loss or damage brought against or suffered by UrbanNous as a result of your failure to comply with this clause.

UrbanNous performs its obligations under these Terms with reasonable care and skill but accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of
any information provided to it and used in good faith.

The content contained on the website or provided by the service is for general information only. Any advice or information received should not be
relied upon as being correct or accurate and it is your responsibility to verify independently such matters from primary sources of information
and by taking specific or further professional advice.

UrbanNous may from time to time, for information and convenience, provide links to other internet websites. The inclusion of such hyperlinks,
however, does not imply any endorsement of those websites or the contents of those web sites, nor does it imply that your use thereof will not
infringe any third party’s rights or is permitted by law.

Without prejudice to UrbanNous' other rights and remedies, you agree to indemnify UrbanNous and keep UrbanNous fully indemnified from and
against all losses, costs (including but not limited to all reasonable legal expenses and any cost of enforcement) liabilities, claims, damages
and expenses that may be incurred or suffered by UrbanNous as a result of or arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the service or in breach of these Terms, and the foregoing shall include, but not be limited to, any claim of defamation, libel, slander, obscenity, invasion of
privacy or any allegation thereof or infringement or alleged infringement of copyright, trade mark, moral right or patent or of obligations of
confidence or any other claims anywhere in the world brought by third parties or any failure by you to meet any third party obligations.

The Service may be restricted by law in certain countries. It is your responsibility to determine what those restrictions are and to comply with them.

This website is operated by:
Urbannous. Production Base: Clerkenwell.